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“Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojna Society” was registered in 2010 under Society’s Registration Act, 1860 unde...

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“Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojna Society” was registered in 2010 under Society’s Registration Act, 1860 under the aegis of Panchayati RajDepartment, Govt. of Bihar. The Society under its by-laws is governed with a General Body headed by Development Commissioner, Govt. ofBihar as its Chairperson and Principal Secretary / Secretary of eleven Departments under Govt. of Bihar as its Members. This body has themandate to meet at least once in year to review the physical & financial progress of the programs that the Society is supposed to implement.The next is an Executive Committee chaired by the Principal Secretary / Secretary as its Chairperson and representatives from the same setof eleven departments of the state government.   Schemes1. Mukhyamantri Gramin Peyjal Nishchay Yojana.Mukhyamantri Gramin Peyjal Nishchay Yojana was launched on 27th September, 2016. II. All households in 5013non‐quality affected Gram Panchayats that do not have access to good quality drinking water shall be providedclean drinking water through piped water supply under Mukhyamantri Gramin Peyjal Nishchay Yojana. The schemeis being implemented by the Panchayati Raj Department. III. It aims to provide clean drinking water through pipedsupply to every household in rural area through community participation by 2019‐20. Phase‐wise implementationof the scheme will be done by taking up small and micro water supply schemes. The requirement of water will befulfilled through boring, submersible pumps and distribution pipelines. The cost of water supply works will be metby convergence of funds available on the recommendation of the 14th Finance Commission and 5th state financecommission and the state plan fund. An estimated expense of Rs.8373.54 crores is likely to be incurred forcompletion of the schemes in the financial year 2016‐17 and three next year2. Mukhyamantri Gramin Gali‐Nali Pakkikaran Nishchay Yojana was launched on 28th of October,2016. This scheme intends to create a network of Pakka drainage and by‐lanes in villages   and  habitations in the rural areas of the State.   Panchayati Raj Department is implementing the schemethrough Gram Panchayats. The scheme aims to cover all habitations in the state with pakka drainageand by‐lanes by the year 2019‐20 through community participation under “Mukhyamantri GraminGali‐Nali Pakkikaran Nishchay Yojana”. Small and micro schemes of brick soling, paver block, PCC bylanes (with drainage) is being taken up in phased manner through the gram panchayats, entailing anestimated expenditure of Rs. 14249.58 crores. This cost will be covered by convergence of fundsavailable on the recommendation of the 14th finance commission, the 5th state finance commission andthe state plan. Schemes are to be selected by Gram panchayats through ward sabhas and gram sabhas.Scheduled caste and scheduled tribes inhabitated areas will be given priority in the selection of schemein Gram Panchayats thereafter priority will be given to areas with higher population. Generally, the wardis considered as a unit for implementation, and the schemes will be implemented by Gram Panchayatsthrough formation of “Ward Development Committee” under the chairmanship of the ward members.Underthe Mukhyamantri Gramin Gali‐Nali PakkikaranNishchay Yojana,114733 wards of all the 8391Gram panchayats shall be covered in next four years. Rs.3053 crores will be spent during this financialyear.